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Thursday, April 26, 2018
Monday, April 2, 2018
Joy's Birth Special
Part One
A phone rings in the compound. We hear a car door close and the engine start. Michelle explains they’re going to see Joy, who is in labor and who is progressing. They show Austin holding her hand and she breathes. At the main house, JB gets a text that they’re going to the hospital and tells the little kids. They show Joy going into the ER and saying “love you guys, thank you for your prayers.”
A week earlier, the screen says. Joy is almost at her due date and Henry is taking all the dish towels out of her drawer. Some of the girls are there helping Joy prepare freezer meals for after the birth. Joy says pregnancy has been good- little morning sickness and not a lot of food aversion but her hormones and emotions are new. She says Austin has been gracious through her emotional rollercoaster and he has been supportive. Austin says he will kind o be her coach in the labor and help her as much as he can. Roxanne says they love Italian and Mexican so that’s what they’re making. She jokes she hopes the baby likes this food and Joy says it better because that’s what she likes. Joy says she is ready to have this baby and she is pretty uncomfortable and she is looking forward to seeing him. Jessa and Michelle say Joy hasn’t gained any weight compared to them. Michelle guesses he will weigh around 8 pounds- no. Jessa can’t believe Joy is about to have a baby. Michelle says her labor with Joy was different because she was sunny side up and she was two weeks past her due date- she was almost 9lbs. Roxanne says she was close to Terri’s birthday and she had 13 hours of labor and he was sunny side up as well and he was an emergency c-section. Jessa says Joy was a live baby doll for the older girls. Roxanne says Austin was a curious, cuddle baby who was very loving. Austin says he had a great upbringing on a big land in the atmosphere. He is looking forward to taking them fishing and to experience the outdoors.
At Joy’s, which looks good done, she says she has some names but they’re keeping them a secret. Joy says they have a couple boy and girls names. Joy says she doesn’t want people’s opinions- totally fair. Austin says they should say it nicer than that and says “we just want to introduce our child to them. While cooking, Jessa and Michelle talk about how spicy foods affect babies. Joy says she wants to try a home birth but they’re only 25 minutes away if they need to go to the hospital. Roxanne says Austin will be great in this situation as an EMT. Joy says Austin has been preparing and she knows he will be calm. They finish writing on the meals cooking instructions. Michelle says they will do great for the delivery. Jessa says labor is all about endurance and you feel like giving up but you can’t so don’t get discouraged. Austin says they’re feeling pretty good. Joy is trying not to have certain expectations and trying not to be scared but she knows Austin will be there for her. Joy thanks them for their help.
Part Two
A similar intro to the first episode- Michelle Jana and Johanna are going to the Forsyth home.
At the Duggar house, JB tells the rest of the kids that Joy is in labor as of the early morning. He says its going slow so they decide to pray for her. Jim Bob says its hard to believe she is having a baby. Ben says labor is a lot of work.
At Joy and Austin’s, Jill says Baby’s heart rate is good and she is good so she should be encouraged. I am nervous. Michelle says at this point you’re ready to have the baby. Austin strokes Joy’s face and coaches her. She is clinging to him. She is asking for help and hurting. Michelle is speaking to her softly.
Back at the main house, Jackson is filming. it’s 2:15pm. He films Kendra and asks what she thinks the gender will be. She says boy. Jackson says a girl. The producers ask if Kendra is nervous for her, expecting one too. Kendra says she is curious and hopes Joy will give her tips and pave the way. Joe says the baby will be a boy. Jim Bob gets a text and tells them Joy is going to the hospital. They can’t talk but will be at the hospital in 20 minutes.
The screen goes black and says “After 20 hours in labor, the midwife determines the baby is breech.” JB is heading to the hospital to meet them.
Joy is getting prepped for the emergency c-section in flashes. Back at the house, Kendra is checking for texts. JD is making coffee. Ben is holding Henry and pacing nervously saying c-sections are tough.
They show the hospital, play a baby’s cry. The screen goes black again and says “at 3:39pm, Joy and Austin welcome a health baby boy into the world.”
They show some shots of Gideon after the section and Gideon meeting Joy. JB calls JD and tells him the baby is her. Jenni gets to know the gender first because she is Joy’s buddy. She tells John and he fires blue confetti. The family celebrates- Spurgeon is precious! Michelle and JB meet their 10th grandbaby. He is 10lbs 3 oz. The Forsyths are so excited too. The grandparents coo over Gideon in his hospital cot. Austin is pretty excited he is here. Kendra shows them baby pictures. No name yet, Joy says, remarking how huge he is. Joy says he is a pretty good mix, he notes he doesn’t have a Duggar nose. Kendra says he has the duggar head. They keep calling Gideon it because he has no name. They show some pictures. Joy says they are so happy he has arrived and the final shot is a picture of them with Gideon from the introduction video we all saw with the caption: “Gideon Martyn Forsyth. Born February 23, 2018. 10 lb. 3 oz., 22 inches.”
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